You're in control of AtmosDive, a lander spacecraft attempting to dive to the core of Ignis Prime, a gas giant planet. In your descent you discover hostile creatures, but there's no turning back! Use your thrusters and mining laser to navigate the perils.


BrylockDelux - Developer and Game Designer

Daria Levartovskaya - Lead Artist

Hiba Jad - Lead Animation

Nathan - Creative Director, Game Tester


Mars by UNIVERSFIELD (Free Music Archive)

Exoplanet by UNIVERSFIELD (Free Music Archive)

Space by Chad Crouch (Free Music Archive)


laser machine gun by sonically_sound (freesound)

Power Up Regeneration SFX by Romeo_Kaleikau (freesound)

good jetpack sound loop by mostyxs (freesound)

Landing Forcefield by unfa (freesound)

Dark Magic Loop by qubodup (freesound)

Forcefield Hum by Zeraora (freesound)

strangeCollision by casstway (freesound)

water - ice - cooler - dropping a chunk of ice into cooler 02 by Anthousai (freesound)

burning-fire-steam by laribum (freesound)

10835 big fire loop by Robinhood76 (freesound)

Kill Enemy 4 8 Bit by Mtthenoronha (freesound)

Burning Flesh by magnuswaker (Freesound)

Button Pressed by Jofae (Freesound)

Development log


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Very nice concept, original game!

Love the metal gear solid reference. Awesome concepts here!